Archiving incoming mail

    You can use the Blind Carbon Copy (bcc) feature to archive all mail sent to your mail server.

    IMPORTANT: To conserve disk space, any user who receives a copy of all mail should frequently retrieve the mail and delete it from the server.

    To automatically send a copy of all incoming mail:
    1 Open Mac OS Server Admin and log on to the server you want to administer.
    2 Press the Mail Services button and choose Mail Server Settings.
    3 Click the Mail In tab.
    4 Click the Users & Groups button to the right of the Blind Carbon Copies (BCC) checkbox.
    5 Drag the name of the user or group (who will receive the blind carbon copies) from the Users & Groups list to the Mail In panel.
    6 Select the Blind Carbon Copies (BCC) checkbox.
    7 Click the Save button in the Mail In window.

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